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Hi! I'm Roberto, and I'm an IoT Architect, but also a windsurfer, snowboarder and I love traveling and being outdoors.


Some time ago, I decided to combine my passions and start this project.
My starting points? An already converted Scudo van (it was my first experience, therefore only positive criticisms are accepted); a platform for creating connected objects, the result of another project of mine: John O.S. Project.

From here the step was almost mandatory. So here are the first box prototypes for SmartVan. They are based on my needs and therefore on the devices I have already installed inside my van (solar charger, lights, water pump...). To make everything more useful, I also decided to include the reasons for my choices and all the technical specifications in the documentation. In this way, even the less experienced will be able to follow the tutorials and create his own Smart Van, and re-share his experience.

But, given that: "each camper is as unique as its owner", I need the help of the community to make this project more accessible. Go to the COLLABORATE page and start sharing your experience, how did you setup your van/camper or suggest some improvement.


The purpose of this project, and of this site, is to collect and organize the know-how necessary to customize vans and campers. Advising the right practices and tools to create even electrical or plumbing systems in complete safety.

In particular, with this project we want to focus on the connected object principle, therefore making the control and management of our vehicle smart. With this, we mean being able to check the status of resources (e.g. energy, water...) and control the services comfortably from a SmartPhone.

Contrary to many other solutions available, the SmartVan project can be adapted to any situation. On the one hand, everyone is free to choose what to "connect" batteries, water tanks, lights, sensors... On the other hand, the application recognizes your setup and only shows the relevant sections.

The know more on the SmartVan project, how it works and how to get it, please visit the DOCS page.

The SV WebSite

The goal for this website is to act as a point of reference for documenting and exchanging everyone's experiences on customizing campers and vans.
It doesn't matter if you are a novice or a super experienced camper. If you are looking for how to modify your vehicle and make it Smart. So, come on, start studying the documentation for or negotiating the features of SmartVan to come up with your next idea. But don't forget to share your experience on SmartVan's socials.

At the same time, the development of the project will also be directed according to the preferences and needs of the community.